Frequently Asked Questions

.Q: What should I wear to class?

A: All of the required uniform attire is outlined in our Season 11 Studio Handbook. You can find it in your registration email, linked at the bottom of our email signatures or through your online parent portal. Please view our Uniform page for a list of recommended local suppliers.

Q: Which taxes apply to dance classes? Can I claim my child’s class fees on my tax return?

A: Almost ALL legitimate business services in British Columbia must charge GST, dance classes are no exception. The rate of GST on services in British Columbia is 5% as of April 1st, 2013. However, the Government has introduced the “Children’s Arts Tax Credit” which allows parents to claim up to $500 per child, on their tax return. At LTD all of our programs are a minimum of 8 weeks in duration, solely for this purpose (Anything less than 8 weeks may not be claimed). Please select “TAX INFO” for further information regarding which services do and do not need to be charged GST and/or PST.

Q: Does LTD offer competitive classes?

A: Yes. At LTD we believe that offering opportunities for competitions and performances is a key component in keeping students motivated and eager to grow. We are constantly sourcing out local and regional events that will provide a unique experience for our dancers.

Q: Can I watch my child’s rehearsals?

A: Due to the spacing in our studio, we do not often invite parents to sit-in on classes and rehearsals. It has also been demonstrated that having parents in the room can be distracting for the students. Our Little Tots may occasionally need assistance and guidance from their parents, therefore depending on the child’s independence, parents may be invited to sit-in on the occasional Little Tots class.